Scan web servers for images
  1. Right click on an image and choose "properties" to find its address. If the image file name is sequentially numbered, e.g. "image027.jpg", you can scan the server for other numbered images (in a defined range).
  2. Copy the address and paste it into the box below
  3. Modify the address to express a range to scan. Put this range in square brackets.

you can scan for 200 possible images by entering this address into the box below:[0-200].jpg


If images scanned for do not exist, you will just see a "place holder" (a small red cross in the image space).



This script BdRİ2004

(c) 2003 - 2006 Internet Research Clinic
Optimised for Windows XP (SP2) users with 1024 x 768 resolution monitors and IE6 browsers

Last updated