Research Clinic. Online investigation links and training from Paul Myers
Established in 2003, Research Clinic features internet research links and study material. It accompanies the training courses delivered by internet research specialist Paul Myers.

To contact Paul, please email him at paul@researchclinic(dot)net

more on Paul Myers>

 Research and investigation links
Searching for information
  Social media research
Finding people
  Archives - search the past
Images, audio and video
  Business research
Domain lookup & tech tools
  Government, charities & NGO's
Specialist tools
  Telecoms research
Maps, Geo and satellites
  AML and KYC

Links are provided for information purposes only. The inclusion of a link in this directory is not an endorsement. Other products are available.

Searching for Information

Search engines

Wolfram Alpha a "computational knowledge engine"

Make your own search engine Google allows you to define your own custom search

Search Engine Colossus lists search engines by subject and country Interesting "Google Dork" searches for hidden information


Secure searching

Duckduckgo searches the net but avoids search terms being revealed, user profiling, skewed personalised results

Start Page claims to be the world's most privacy-conscious search engine

Swisscows secure search with a nice music search option


Website directories

Open Directory Project

Historical sites can be looked at via the Wayback Machine - try Vlib and DMOZ



UK National Statistics see also, the Office of National Statistics and international Statistics Societies


International search tools

Search Engine Colossus lists search engines by country

National and international search engines


Academic search tools


Data research

Datasetsearch from Google - searches datasets


Social media tools


Best Hashtags helps you find related hashtags

Open Measures a great tool that finds hashtags and charts keyword useage

Redditsearch search Reddit

4chansearch searches 4Chan, if you really need to search 4chan

Commentpicker nice social media tech tools - great for finding ID's

Exportcomments exports social media comments and contacts to XLS spreadsheets

Social Searcher searches the main social networks for content. saves Tweets etc. to future proof them's social media search

Epieos checks if an email address is linked to a social media site


Facebook's membership directory

LookupID finds a person or page's Facebook ID number. Alternatively search the html code for USERID

Fb-search a nice Facebook ID finder and searcher

Graph Tips and S0wdust offer search options that go beyond normal Facebook search advanced search tool that goes further than Facebook's search

Commentpicker nice social media tech tools - great for finding ID's

Facebook Live Videos


X's advanced search has some unique functionality


X Pro - formerly Tweetdeck X's amazing monitoring tool, sadly now subscription only.

Onemilliontweetmap shows a global heat map for hashtags and keywords


Analytics and follower analysis

Fake follower test



Twitter's user directory

Tweeterid finds a Twitter user's ID. Names change, ID's stay the same!



Dumpor is an alternative IG viewer. It makes it easy to save pictures. See also and Privatephotoviewer 

Picodash - finds and exports lots of info about users

Commentpicker nice social media tech tools - great for finding ID's

Insta search tool by OSINTCombine - keyword search with date range



YouTube MP4 Downloader allows you to grab and save videos from YouTube

Youtube data viewer - a verification tool from Amnesty International

Watchframebyframe watch youtube and vimeo videos frame by frame

Youtube-geofind searches Youtube by location

Youtube-metadata finds youtube metadata including location



Intelligence X: TG





Mapping social media posts

Echosec plots users' various social network posts onto a map and explores locations for content.

Samdesk plots posts onto a map

Arcgis - a free alternative


Gaming community



People finders

Pipl searches social media by username, email address.

Spokeo - US people research tool. Also international social media searches by email

FamilySearch - free genealogy site courtesy of the Mormons

Tracesmart is the people and business investigation tool provided by NexisLexis

192  UK people research tool. phone book and electoral roll, going back to 2001

Phonebooks Infobel brings you a database of online telephone directories

TELDIR  Infobel finds telephone directories around the world

Whitepages is a great resource for searching and reverse searching US numbers

Radaris is a US people deep search tool - see also zaba search & Xlek & Clustrmaps

That's them free US people finder

Pimeyes is a brilliant Biometric facial pattern search

Burke's Peerage UK search for titled ladies and gentlemen free US people finder


User name search

Namechk & Instantusername search for used usernames - searches through many different sources for taken user names - including dating sites. Definitely worth a try is a new user name search tool with a wide range of sources

Namecheck.bloggingehow searches some interesting sources for user names



Find company email addresses  find email addresses related to a domain. Handy for tracing employees.

Email-Format find corporate email address formats allowing you to guess an email address. See also and Skymem


Professional Databases exist for most fields, for example

UK Doctors

UK Clerics

FAA Pilots



Archives - search the past

The Wayback Machine find sites, software, documents, audio & video from the past

Open Wayback is an alternative to the Wayback Machine

Swap webpage archive search from Stanford University uses web archives to visualise the web in old browsers. archives webpages, tweets etc.

Memento is an archive metasearch

Cached Pages finds Google's saved copies of pages. See also Yahoo, Bing & Gigablast

UK National Archives search the UK govt archive of web pages and search documents

Library of Congress archive of websites, documents and media

Directory of European archive sites

Cachedview searches Google cache and archive sites for saved copies of a webpage

Megalodon Japanese language archive meta search creates a permanent record of a webpage - see also webrecorder

Oldversion download old versions of popular software

Pixlr free online image editor


Image, Audio & Video related


Imgops - various brilliant image research resources

Jimpl displays an image's metadata and location. See also exifinfo & pic2map

Fotoforensics handy for verification, this site takes a forensic look at an image's pixels and exif metadata. See also

Midomi identifies music but you need to be able to sing into your computer's mic!

Tubeoffline allows you to download videos from many popular social media sites

YouTube MP4 Downloader allows you to grab and save videos from YouTube

Youtube data viewer - a verification tool from Amnesty International

Swisscows secure search with a nice music search option

Watchframebyframe watch youtube and vimeo videos frame by frame

Youtube-geofind searches Youtube by location

Youtube-metadata finds youtube metadata including location


Photo / Face / Reverse image searches

TinEye - see also Google Images, IQDB, bing, yandexbaidu, 360 and sogou

Pimeyes - a fantastic biometric facial pattern image search.

Search4faces - a biometric facial search of VK and TikTok profile pics





Business research

United Kingdom

Companies House provides free UK company and director info. Google search of Companies House and its old site for more flexibility.

Due Dilligence / KYC see Duedil (UK), Bizdb (UK) and Company Check

UK Intellectual property office

Tracesmart is the people and business investigation tool provided by NexisLexis

VAT search - good for businesses that might be on normal registers


Open Corporates The indispensible company search. Records of over 125 million companies worldwide

OCCRP International Research Databases (formerly Investigative Dashboard)provides links to international official registers that help you investigate companies.

Intl Business Registers provides links to company registries in different countries

Dun and Bradstreet (paid) provide excellent international company information. So do specialist services like Edgar Online

Patents find trade mark and inventors details.

OCCRP - investigating procurement, corruption etc.

VAT search - good for businesses that might be on normal registers

Biznar a business-related deepweb database search



Domain name, IP research and Analytics codes

Check domain name registration

Domaintools highly recommended paid site performs advanced Whois searches. Has possibly the best historical records. Searches by IP. The Iris services visualises links between domains.

Whoisology (paid site) allows you to search for domains by address, name, phone number etc. Historical records.

Website Informer - allows various fields and keywords to be searched

IP-adress investigates a server connected to a domain. It might do this from a US perspective. Different countries may connect to different servers

Analyzeid finds domains owned by the same person

Whoxy great tools including historical whois


Reverse IP - see what else is on a server!

Robtex - really useful tool for investigating a domain. Finds its subdomains etc. - recommended, lots of detail

Netcraft report - looks at IP blocks. Search for a domain, find it, click on "netblock"

Hurricane Electric - investigate a domain name and its IP address block


Historical Domain Records - establish previous ownership & pre-GDPR






Find subdomains

Pentest Tools many tools, including finding hidden subdomains - see also Netcraft  lists subdomains with screenshots and history

Nmmapper finds loads of subdomains


Advanced IP tools

DNSLytics - recommended. A great all-round IP tool with a handy Chrome extension

Pentest Tools finds hidden subdomains. See also and Robtex

Pentest Google Hacking - search for website vulnerabilities via Google

Visual Trace Route - locate a website's server - dozens of useful lookups all on one page

Centralops useful tools and it translates IPv6 into normal IPv5 addresses

ip-address - paste email headers to investigate mail servers. See also mxtoolbox, reversemx & network-tools - various IP location & whois tools. Sometimes finds details others miss

IP-tracker Another useful IP looker upper - see also traces an IP to the user's home town! See also Whatismyipaddress

IPlocation geolocates an IP address


Regional IP address / domain name authorities

International IPs Find which regional authority handles IP address allocation for a country.

National Authorities International bodies that issue country code domains. If WHOIS fails, go to the source!  See also IANA

Generic Domains authorities for domains that don't have a country code or standard top level domain.

Nominet British domain authority who oversee the .uk domain names

The TV Corp. WHOIS for the .tv domain. See also DotFM WHOIS for the .fm domain

APNIC IP authority for the Asia Pacific region.

RIPE The IP issuing authority for Europe, have the best WHOIS lookup for European IP addresses.

ARIN  IP authority for for North America 

LACNIC for Latin America & the Caribbean and

AFRINIC for Africa


Government / Municipal / Charities NGO's etc.

UK Government The British government website directory. They have a HUGE list of sites.

FOIA Requests  See who is requesting what under the Freedom of Information Act.

They Work For You Political research. Investigate your MP!

Land registry Search property and ownership details in the UK

Intellectual property office Search registered designs. See also, UK trademarks.

Planning permission decisions Search by local authority

Search local archives Find local historical information

Find a local MP Search by post code. See also "write to them"

UK National Archives British government documents and webpages

British & Irish Legal Search Search UK/Irish cases and laws. See Trustonline for CCJ's

UK National Statistics See also, the Office of National Statistics


US Government

Search Systems Free directory of open source databases in the US. The US government web portal

The US Census Bureau - loads of quick stats on different states


International Government Information

CIA World Factbook Quick facts and profiles of countries around the world. See also, Nationsonline

OCCRP International Research Databases (formerly Investigative Dashboard) provides links to international government databases

International Statistics Societies

The United Nations see also, this handy directory of UN organisation sites the official website of the European Union

The World Bank data by country

Charities & NGO's

Charity Navigator

British charities  Search the UK Charity Commissioner's register

US gov charity resource



Specialist investigative / OSINT tools

OSINT Framework A wonderful, graphical interactive checklist of all information gathering sites and tools. See also Bellingcat's collection and Boolean Strings

OSINT Curious produces online research blogs and OSINT training videos

Analyse email headers see also whatismyip ip-address, reversemx & network-tools

Ueuo gives you free webspace. Useful for undercover work and tracking. Get IP tracking code from statcounter

Duckduckgo doesn't track your usage. Neither does startpage. See also Privacytools

Search the Dark Web via Google

Intellitamper scans a site for linked hidden folders and files. See also Black Widow

SEO Crawler explores a website looking for pages

Wireshark Reveals the data flying around the network you are connected up to

Buckets.grayhatwarfare  - finds files in open folders

Technisette resources and training saves a court-friendly audit trail of your research extracts metadata from files (eg. pdf,Word, jpg) see also Jeffrey's Interesting "Google Dork" searches for hidden information

Analytics codes (e.g. Google ad-words)

Analyzeid provides links between sites with embedded codes

Text bins



Dark Web

Tor Project Anonymizing software that also provides a way onto the Dark Web directory of Dark Web sites

Ahmia searches the dark web another interesting Dark Web search


Tracing people via IP address

Readnotify displays the IP address of an email recipient. See also Didtheyreadit, IPLogger, Whatistheirip & myiptest

Canarytokens - generate IP tracking codes

Sitemeter lets you build a tracker into a website


Thepaperboy finds newspapers across the world

Tunein  link directly to online streaming radio broadcasts. See also vTuner

News Now plugs you directly into the latest breaking news. Good UK representation.

Google Trends see how keywords are trending on Google


Maps, Geo and satellite

Google Maps maps, satellite images & street views See also Bing for birds eye shots

Instant street view an alternative way of using Street View. See also Showmystreet

Freemaptools Various tools for working with online maps, eg. measuring distances

Geohack sources Nice list of satellite & map sources around the world

Track Shipping MarineTraffic shows the progress & routes of ships, plotted onto maps

Track Aircraft FlightAware shows the progress & routes of aircraft, plotted onto maps and identify hills, skylines and mountain ranges

Zoom gives historical satellite. See also The Living Atlas, Sentinel & Google Earth Pro

Historical UK Aerial Photos  see also Britain from above and Getmapping

Youtube-geofind searches Youtube by location


Mapping social media posts

Echosec plots users' various social network posts onto a map and explores locations for content.

Samdesk plots posts onto a map

Arcgis - a free alternative





Truecaller  - mobile phone number looker-upper (non-EU) see also

TelDir  finds Phone directories around the world. See also numberway

Whitepages is a great resource for searching and reverse searching US numbers

Hlr-lookups and Phone Validator (U.S.) find details about a mobile phone connection. This tool which dials a US cell number anonymously and records the response!

Skypli find people on Skype with this useful directory

Freecarrierlookup Checks if a caller is using VOIP

Zlookup reverse search US numbers

Macvendorlookup  traces a Mac address to a vendor. See also

Epeios checks if a mobile number is linked to a Skype, Signal or Telegram account


Digital Security

Pentest Google Hacking - search for website vulnerabilities via Google

Test your proxy See if it leaks your real IP address. This can happen when you visit a site with Flash & Java applets.

Housecall online Virus Scan Free online check for the latest viruses see also virustotal

Amiunique checks if browser's footprint. See also coveryourtracks & browserleaks

Whatismybrowser check how much info your browser is betraying. See also Doileak

Dnsleaktest does your VPN reveal your real IP? See also Ipleak

CCleaner Professional securely erases data from storage devices. See also bleachbit

Veracrypt creates a secure encrypted virtual disc drive out of a file on your computer

Exifcleaner cleans meta data from your photos. See also Verexif

Breached Data checkers - see if your personal details and passwords have been compromised

Secure email & messaging

WhatsApp the messaging app has a web version, as does Telegram and Signal

Xabber Another Web-based version of a messaging app. This built on XMPP

Wire is a secure collaboration platform


Safe searching

Duckduckgo searches the net but avoids search terms being revealed, user profiling, skewed personalised results

Start Page claims to be the world's most privacy-conscious search engine


Hoaxy charts the spread of Tweets and spots bots

Botometer checks a Twitter account, it's followers and friends to see if they are bots

Reveal checks images for inconsistencies that occur when a photo has been aletered

Google factcheck

Snopes checks dubious stories and identifies fake news

Youtube data viewer - a Youtube verification tool from Amnesty International

Invid online video clip search and verification

Sun direction calculator assess the date & location through shadows. See also suncalc

Peakfinder and Peakvisor identify hills, skylines and mountain ranges


Trace cars, boats and planes


Licence Plate Mania



Findbyplate US license plate lookup

Google Images finds licence plate details in photos. So does Facebook



Global Integrated Shipping Information System

Shipinfo finds owners

Global Fishing Watch



The Shipping Database



Asia Pacific Port State Control Database



What's in the air?


OpenSky Explorer


ADS-B Exchange

AirNav RadarBox


Aviation Safety air crash database and news

Airfleets search registration details

Live ATC listen to ATC feeds

FAA Pilot & Aircraft details

Anti Money Laundering, Know Your Business/Customer and Due Diligence

PEP (politically exposed people) search from the U.S. treasury

PWC's guide to AML, KYB, KYC and PEP - useful links & information

Sanctions explorer free see also Namescan's free sanctions lists search

Duedil UK due diligence - see also Bizdb and Company Check

US SEC search  see also company search via EDGAR

OCCRP - investigating procurement, corruption etc.

UK Law Pages search UK court cases




(c) Paul Myers 2021. The views expressed on this site are the author's own. The inclusion of links does not represent an endorsement.
This website and its author take no responsibility for any use or misuse of the sites listed.