Research Clinic
supporting open source investigation

You might also refer to, and for help with looking up codes and formulating searches. Updated 30/11/2016.


Graph Code Function

Facebook posts

/stories-by posts by someone
/stories-tagged posts tagged with someone
/stories-liked posts liked by someone
/intersect Compares search subjects
/str/keyword/stories-keyword/ looks for a word in a post

Photos & videos

/photos-commented photos someone has commented on
/photos-by photos by someone
/photos-of photos of someone
/photos-tagged photos tagged with someone
/photos-in photos taken in a place
/str/keyword/photos-keyword looks for a word in the description
/videos-by the same searches work for videos


/events Future events someone is interested in attending
/events/year/date/events/intersect Events someone was interested in, in the past
/events-joined/year/date/events/intersect Events someone joined in a past year
/events-near events near a place

Pages & groups

/likers people who like a Facebook page
/pages-liked pages someone likes
/pages-liked/interest/pages/intersect someone's special interests
/groups groups someone belongs to
closed/groups-privacy/code/groups/intersect private groups joined by a person
closed/groups-privacy/code/employees/groups/intersect private groups belonged to by employees of a company

For loads more advanced searches on areas like

  • friend lists and relationships,
  • educational background,
  • connected places,
  • employment, companies and professions,
  • religion, sexuality and politics
  • and much more

please contact Research Clinic




(c) Paul Myers 2016. The views expressed on this site are the author's own. The links do not represent an endorsement.
altered banner image (c) Jan Krömer, used with gratitude via creative commons license